By Barbie L.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an alarming surge in violence and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). Many of our community members fear deeply for themselves and for their family members, especially with local attackers targeting grandparents. There is no place for this heinous violence in our society.

It is important to acknowledge that hate crimes against the AAPI community are not new; America has a long history of anti-Asian racism. To find a horrifying example of what happens when this type of xenophobia goes unchecked, we need look no farther than the dark history of San Bruno’s Tanforan Assembly Center which housed over 7800 Bay Area Japanese Americans in horse stalls and makeshift housing under armed guard during World War II. As another similar wave of xenophobia washes over America today, we cannot be silent or complacent. We must unite against injustice and discrimination.

The San Bruno Parents Club stands with our AAPI community members. We denounce all forms of racism, bigotry, and hate. We are committed to building a community where all are safe and welcome.

You may read our full anti-racism statement here.


Below are some resourecs to help parents stand against AAPI hate. You can find even more resources with our 2020 anti-racism statement.



  • Bystander Intervention Training: Hollaback! provides trainings on how to do your part to protect your neighbors and co-workers when bias and harassment collide in front of you.
  • Race & Social Justice Task Force: The San Mateo County Bar Association’s Race and Social Justice Task Force has the mission to develop a multifaceted approach to advance justice for all.
  • Stop AAPI Hate Reporting Center: Multi-lingual resources for impacted community members.
  • Anti-Asian Violence Resources: Resources gathered by HAAPI Employee Resource Group to help individuals educate others, take action, and more.
  • Hate and Extremism 2020: The Southern Poverty Law Center released its annual “Year in Hate and Extremism” report, identifying 838 active hate groups across the United States in 2020.
  • Represent Asian Project: A team celebrating, advocating and elevating Asian representation in various fields.




AAPI-owned businesses have suffered disproportionaly during the COVID-19 pandemic due to xenophobia and bigotry. Please consider supporting local AAPI-owned businesses.